Monday, October 31, 2011

A New Life to Create

Metropolitan Museum, New York City

Stained glass window in New York City
"Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained glass in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves." Adrienne Clarkson

Have you ever met anyone who said anything negative about stained glass? Well so far, I have not met that someone and I pray that I won't. 

I have always been fond of this type of art mainly because I am coming from a country that has a least one church in every town (sometimes even two or three) and these churches come with a lot of work of art, stained glass included.

This piece here in the picture is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. There is a sense of mysticism surrounding it and I have felt close to it since the very first time I saw it. I have to admit though, that the place it's located at makes it seem a little out of place but on the other hand that is what makes it more eye catching. You just can't miss it. Imagine you are walking around glass enclosures with small glass pieces exhibited and then right in front of you, you see this enormous stained glass piece.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Met Museum of Art, New York City

A couple at a gallery in New York City
"Break a vase, and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole." Derek Walcott

Today I am posting another picture that was shot at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

For those who have never set foot in here, telling you that this museum is enormous is an understatement. To give you an idea of how grand it is I am posting this picture. On the right hand side you can see a couple enjoying an exhibit. They look like tiny dots compared to the structure of the building. The design and architecture of the Metropolitan Museum of Art is immaculate. It has perfect symmetry.

The picture was shot from the first floor right in the center which is right on top of the Information Center. From here you can get a full view of the whole ground floor. 

This museum will always be close to my heart as it's my main source of inspiration. Going here with my muse is the ultimate inspirational experience. It floods my mind with ideas which sometimes can be overwhelming but enjoyable nonetheless.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Midtown, New York City

A black and white photo of a futuristic building facade in New York City
"May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future" Unknown

I must have walked across this building a hundred times and never actually cared to look up. This area (around 32nd Street) is so busy that if you stop to admire the area be prepared to get walked over. Yes I am exaggerating but I am sure most of you know how busy the Midtown area is.

When I took this picture it was raining so the streets were not that busy and after beating myself up after I realized what I have been missing I took out my iPhone and snapped a picture. This particular building is surrounded by a lot of old New York City buildings so this design really does catch your eye (if only it was not high up.)

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Friday, October 28, 2011

Center of Gravity

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Beautiful Ceiling at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
This is the first time I came across the quote included with the picture and I have to say I am truly happy I found it. It's very true, both to stained-glass and to people.

This picture was shot at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. I forgot which part it was at but I can still remember the intricate details in this beautiful ceiling. It's so precise that it's almost mesmerizing. I wanted to take a picture from right under it but since the chandelier is hanging so low it was not possible.

The contrast in the room when you visit is like the contrast in the picture. The room is somewhat dark and then you look up and see this burst of light, colorful burst of light.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Upper West Side, New York City

Beautiful architecture facade in New York City
"The universe is built on a plan the profound symmetry of which is somehow present in the inner structure of our intellect." Paul Valery

I am dying to leave this picture up to you to judge what it is but then probably you will think it's a million things so I will do the job easier and just go ahead and say what is it.

This is the facade of a building on the Upper West Side in New York City very close to the new Apple Store that's on Broadway.

It boasts different textures and different shades of grey, white and black and the metal pins are metal. Surprisingly enough this facade in the picture always looks different according to the time of day. I have seen it several times at different moments and personally I think it looks best on a rainy day. But by now you know me and you know I prefer rainy days over hot summery days.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Clean City

High-Line, New York City

High-Line Park in New York City
"Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals." James Naismith
The newly refurbished and recently opened part of the High-Line in New York City. The designers did an excellent job and putting together textures and lines together while also incorporating some green for the environmental conscious people (which should be all of us.)

It's so very well done and clean that while you are walking here you'd forget you are actually in one of the world's biggest cities and that's another thing I love about New York City. Even though you are in the city, you can go places that will make you forget you are actually in New York. A couple of good examples are the above mentioned High-Line, the Cloisters and Central Park.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ready, Set, Go

79th Street, New York City

Traffic in New York City
"This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are." Plato
Not much to say about this picture except that for some reason it is one of my favorites. The location is 79th Street in New York City on a rainy day. You can see some snow that's melting away.

The drivers are anxiously waiting for the pedestrian lights to switch as probably waiting for a few seconds will make them late for some sort of meeting. I am sure if it was legal, New York City would be a real life version of Carmageddon. 

The church is the First Baptist Church in New York City. It has been standing there since 1891. George M. Keister designed it. He also designed the popular Apollo Theater. I have never been inside the church so I can't really say whether it's beautiful or not.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mary in the Corner

Marsa, Malta

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." Galileo Galilei
This is one of those pictures that you will only understand if you are coming from a Catholic freak country. 

For all those who are not (I envy you), I will try my best to explain what you see here.

This picture was shot in Malta at a location called Marsa. Marsa is certainly not the most sought after place in Malta and definitely not the place to be at at any time. Besides a power plant that's right in the center of houses (which is creating black dust all over the country), Marsa is also infested with illegal immigrants coming from all parts of Africa. Not exactly a safe neighborhood but in the morning it is safe enough to go down there and shoot a couple of interesting pictures.

In the corner, in this picture, we see a statue of Holy Mary. These sights are very common in common that us locals tend to not see them. It's hilarious though when sometimes you are riding with a religious freak and he/she makes the sign of the cross in front of every religious statue they see. Experience it once and you will never be the same again.

What baffles me here is the state of the houses. You'd expect them to fall any minute and frankly I am surprised they haven't yet. Seriously how can you still be a believer if you spend your life living in a run down block with a Holy Mary statue in the corner? These people either have divine faith or they simply don't know any better. 

To see all the details in the picture (for example an A/C in the balcony next to Holy Mary) please full view the picture.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Sunday, October 23, 2011


High-Line, New York City

Architecture and apartments buildings in New York City
"Architecture is inhabited sculpture." Constantin Brancusi
This is probably a sight that is in my top 3 favorites sights in New York City. It's modern versus old at it's best. Once again I am posting a picture that's shot from the newly refurbished High-Line in New York City (more information can be found here). 

The three buildings you see in the picture are all apartment buildings. They are so different and yet they look so good next to teach other. I can only think about the spectacular views the inhabitants can enjoy from the top floor, with one side being the Hudson River and on the other side you have the city.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Saturday, October 22, 2011

To the Cross

Kalkara, Malta

A cemetery chapel in Kalkara, Malta
"War is the cemetery of futures promised." John Cory
I have been visiting this cemetery since I was a little kid. There is a very nice scenic walk around it and every Sunday we used to go there with the family to walk along the ocean. Today I am a grown up and every now and then I still feel the urge to go and walk there. 

I have always found this particular place alluring. The cemetery is now neglected. It is mostly full with Maltese people who died from the Cholera before and during WWII. People have pleaded for it to be restored and be taken care of as it's considered as a historical site. All pleads have gone unanswered. 

Please note that I have added the grain in the sky on purpose to make the picture more dramatic. 

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lady in Red

Metropolitan Museum of Arts, New York City

People waiting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
"Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick." Gwyneth Paltrow
Today we go back to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. This picture was shot this summer and you might ask why all the umbrellas and winter clothes. We had a bout of cold weather and a few days of non stop rain. 

As most of know the Metropolitan Museum of Art is quite a busy place with tourists and locals alike. But it's very rare to see lines like these waiting to go in there to see something. So what was the occasion? The occasion was the magnificent fashion display of Alexander McQueen. Thousands of thousands of people waited for endless hours to get in and I am sure they were not disappointed. It was also written down as the most popular exhibition that ever visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I couldn't help but notice the woman in red. It was a dark and dreary day and automatically people wear dark clothes so when someone decides to wear something that doesn't go with the flow it instantly captures your eyes. This was the case we see here in this picture.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Scaffolding of Life

Upper West Side, New York City

Scaffolding in New York City
"The architecture of our future is not only unfinished; the scaffolding has hardly gone up." George Lamming
I still remember vividly my very first time in New York City and how I always refused to walk underneath any type of scaffolding. Today it seems hilarious but I quite understand why I did it. I always feared that they would fall on me and lets face it, it's not a very nice scene if that happens.

Today I am very confident. Sometimes, like every New Yorker I don't even realize I am walking under a scaffolding. They are a common sight in New York City and I don't think New York could be New York without these giant structures. 

Besides the symmetry (which was always a subject close to my heart) what I love in this picture are the people doing their activities of daily living. One is paying the meter, another is probably waiting for someone, while the couple in the center are happily strolling away. These are people are certainly not like me when I first arrived in New York City. I thought it's better to get hit by car rather than being squished by some metal structure. Today I am glad I am more rational!

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Vittoriosa, Malta

"I like the silent church before the service begins, better than any preaching." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Once again I am posting another picture taken at the St.Lawrence Church in Malta, the church found in my hometown. 

When I took this picture I was totally not planning to take any pictures but as I was walking by I couldn't help but notice the afternoon sun hitting the dome in a way that it was creating the perfect contrast. Add that with the perfect blue sky and the homing pigeons flying around and you'll get what you see here.

In Malta they use limestone as the main building rock and I remember before I took this picture it had rained quite a bit. When it rains limestone, especially really old limestone takes a different texture as you can see in the picture and I think if it hadn't rained this picture wouldn't look as interesting. But either way I am glad I happened to be passing by right when I was.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Lucerne Hotel

Lucerne Hotel, New York City

The Lucerne Hotel in New York City
"Architecture in general is frozen music." Friedrich von Schelling
This piece of architecture has always caught my eyes, since the very first time I landed in New York City. It can be found on the Upper West Side of New York City. It is a popular hotel but the restaurant 'Nice Matin' that is found on the lower portion of the building is more popular than the hotel itself.

Both the restaurant and the hotel are French and even though I've never sat foot at any of them I have heard good things about both. 

As I said earlier, the building strikes me as very dramatic. That could be the deep red color of the stones or maybe because it's the only tower on that block. As you can see from the picture the buildings next to it are quite short in comparison.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Monday, October 17, 2011

Patience is Virtue

84th Street, Columbus Avenue, New York City

Buses and taxis in New York City
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else" George Savile
I have always wondered about how would we be able to cross the streets in New York City if there were no traffic lights. Even with traffic lights in action, New York City is like a constant battle between pedestrians and drivers. It's like a game of survival of the fittest.

Having said that, I am sure most of us have seen that occasional man or woman being in a such a hurry that they tend to ignore the blazing red light of danger and just duck their head and cross the streets. Is it worth it? If you ask me I would say no. You are only winning a few extra seconds on top of anyone else waiting but you are greatly increasing the risk of dying. I have seen most of those impatient people everywhere but particularly in New York City.

In life we need to have patience, even when crossing the street. Being patient will not only help you think but in some cases it can also save your life.

This picture was shot on 84th Street on Columbus and I thought it was the perfect scene to capture. Lonely woman waiting for lights to change while cars are driving past her. It is also showing us that there are many taxis and buses on the opposite direction, so if you miss one it's not going to be the end of the world.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Voice

Upper West Side, New York City

Free newspaper boxes and snow in New York City
"The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience." Mohandas Gandhi
This picture was shot last winter in New York City. A few days before, a snow storm hit the city and as a result it knocked some things over. This free newspaper box is one of the unfortunate things that felt the wrath of the storm.

I think it's very appropriate that the one box that fell in this picture is called 'Voice.' It's like a subtle message. A message to tell us that the human voice is rarely heard nowadays. We are too lost in material things that we often overlook everything that really matters.

It was also the right picture for selective color. It was a rainy/snowy day and everything was looking sort of dull, but the bright red box made the area pop. I wanted to bring out the contrast so I converted the picture to black and white and left the red box as it is.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Empire State Building

The Empire State Building, New York City

The Empire State Building in New York City

"I think The Empire Strikes Back had everything." Jeremy Bulloch
I am sure almost sure that everyone in the world has heard or seen (even if it's just a picture) of The Empire State Building in New York City.

Like the Statue of Liberty, this gigantic architectural piece is one of New York City's landmarks. It is visible from a lot of areas in Manhattan but I found out that the best view is from the newly reconstructed High-Line which is a 1-mile linear park built on a 1.45 mile section of the former elevated freight railroad. It starts in the Meat Packing District and ends at 30th Street.

This picture was taken somewhere in the middle of this High Line which offers impeccable views of New York City. A note for those walking on it, make sure you keep an open eye, because at one point you can also see the Statue of Liberty clearly with the naked eye.

Back to The Empire State boasts 102 floors and is situated at the intersection of 5th Avenue and West 34th Street. After the unfortunate destruction of the Twin Towers in 2001, the Empire State Building occupied the number 1 spot for the tallest building in the United States. Currently it is ranked at the third place after The Trump International Hotel and Willis Tower. In 2007 it was ranked number one as America's favorite architecture.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Friday, October 14, 2011

Columbus Circle

Columbus Circle, New York City

Lincoln Center at Columbus Circle in New York City
"It couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York City." O Henry
The picture you see here is shot from Time Warner Center which can be found at the Columbus Circle in New York City. 

This area acts as a divider. More or less it divides the West from the East and the upper part of town from midtown. Columbus circle is also the home for major TV networks like CNN. The big glass panels we see in the picture belong to the Time Warner Center building. Time Warner is like a 'mall' with high-end shops and is also the home of probably New York City's most expensive restaurants - Per Se and Bar Masa. For those who can't have the luxury of dining at such places, like me for example, you can grab a bite at Whole Foods which can be found at the basement of the building. The variety of food you can find here is endless and I am sure there is something for everyone.

Right in the center of the circle you can find a statue of Christoper Columbus which is standing on a gold pedestal. For those who would like the see Columbus Circle but are far away from it, you can see it on these movies - Cloverfield, I Am Legend, The Devil Wears Prada and It Could Happen to You.

This black and white photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Thursday, October 13, 2011


32nd Street, New York City

Chaotic New York City
"Chaos in the world brings uneasiness, but it also allows the opportunity for creativity and growth." Tom Barrett
You know how they say a picture can say a million words? Well this is one of those pictures. In this frame we can see all of New York City. Yes all of New York City can be seen in this picture.

If you look closely you can see all New York City has to offer - high-end shops, restaurants, the famous taxi-cabs, skyscrapers, architecture, adverts, the Subway, pedestrians and lots more.

One of the places you can see this scene in New York City is 32nd Street exactly by Macy's. In my opinion it is even busier than Times Square and I always found it more interesting than Times Square itself. Some people hate New York City because of its chaos and fast pace living and those two reason are exactly why I love the City. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lady Liberty

Statue of Liberty, New York City

Statue of Liberty in New York City
"I've always had a strong feeling for the Statue of Liberty, because it became the statue of my personal liberty." David Antin
Today I am posting another picture I took from our Water Taxi ride last summer. This time we got closer to the majestic Lady Liberty and the weather was perfect to create the contrast we see in the picture. There were a couple of birds flying around her which added more drama. 

This picture was shot only a few seconds before a huge storm hit us. It was like the Statue of Liberty was holding back the storm until we got some pictures of her and I am glad and grateful towards her.

Look at the statue, it makes me wonder if New York City would still be New York City without this landmark. To me it seems that the Statue of Liberty is New York City even though it resembles liberty and freedom in all states.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City
"A museum is a place where one should lose one's head." Renzo Piano
With the upload of this picture, I also have to share a secret...during my 6 years in New York City I was never inclined to step foot in here. Yeah I know it is idiotic but this year it all changed. 

This year at the Metropolitan Museum of Art there was an Alexander McQueen exhibition. I have to also admit that I was never a big fan of his either. But since the exhibition was in town I decided to go give it a visit. It was the biggest decision I've made in my life so far - Alexander McQueen and the Metropolitan Museum of was also a decision that changed my life inside out.

Both of these things left a huge impact on the way I see the world. Yes, they totally changed my perspective of the world and the people who live in it. It was like I was destined to see the exhibition and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City together. I am also grateful that the lines for the exhibition were never ending so we got a membership pass to the Metropolitan Museum for a year. This not only let us pass the enormous queues but it also gave me access to go to the museum anytime I wanted to and I took advantage of it. I have visited the museum several times. Every time I set foot in there I always get that same euphoric feeling I got the first time I went there. Now that I see that I was only fooling myself by passing on this magnificent place for such a long time I am planning to make up for the lost time and see everything that it has to offer.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Monday, October 10, 2011


Architectural Building, Upper West Side, New York City

Architectural building on the Upper West Side in New York City
"Architecture aims at Eternity." Christopher Wren
Opera singers and this apartment building in the picture have a long history. This famous building which is called the Ansonia, was designed by Stokes, who had no architecture training but gave strict rules to a European architect he hired for the job. A lot of famous people lived in this building and I am sure it contains a lot of secrets behind its walls. 

The Ansonia building stands 18 stories high and this massive structure boasts 1,400 rooms over 50,000 square feet. 

The first time I was told that the Ansonia building was the home for a lot of opera singers I immediately asked why. It's clear enough why, but I am so immersed into looking at this facade that my common sense was lost. The building has very thick walls, therefore musicians could sing or play instruments all they wanted without bothering their neighbors.

Of all the awe-inspiring, historically significant buildings that make the Upper West Side of Manhattan so aesthetically pleasing and popular to the masses, perhaps few are as architecturally exuberant or hold such colorful history as the Ansonia building and hotel. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Brothers in the Sky

Columbus Circle, New York City

Black and white photo of Skyscrapers at Columbus Circle in New York City
"The city of New York is like an enormous citadel, a modern Carcassone. Walking between the magnificient skyscrapers one feels the presence on the fringe of a howling, raging mob, a mob with empty bellies, a mob unshaven and in rags." Henry Miller
This is probably one of those pictures that is very close to my heart. It is in my top three all time favorites. It's one of those pictures that is taken in a hurry due to circumstantial events and still turns out to be great. It's one of those pictures that everyone time you look at it you discover something new. 

These two giant skyscrapers can be found at Columbus Circle, Midtown Manhattan. It's one of my favorite spots in all of New York City. The drama never seizes to exist in this part of town and even if you go there a million times you will always discover that new thing that somehow you always missed seeing.

Luckily enough for me, when I shot this picture the weather was terrible. It happens to be my favorite kind of weather and the clouds add more drama to the picture. So now you see why this picture is one of my favorites - dreary weather, Columbus circle, New York City and skyscraper...all subjects very close to my heart. Add those together and you get a picture like the one you are seeing here.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Left Standing in the Rain

72nd Street, New York City

A woman hailing a cab in New York City
"A car is useless in New York City, essential everywhere else. The same with good manners." Mignon McLaughlin
When I found the quote to go with this picture I wondering how many New Yorkers actually agree with it. The first part I am sure a lot of us agree on, but what about the second part? I haven't been to many places in the USA apart from California, Texas and New Jersey and I can honestly say that people in New York City are very well mannered compared to the states I mentioned. Now I don't want to offend anyone, I am just making a remark about the second part of the quote!

To get an idea how competitive New York City can be, try hailing a cab. You will get the picture right away especially during rush hours. You'd think that a cold rainy day it would be easier but apparently not for this woman in the picture. If you full view the picture you can see her holding up her arm to stop the cab but it was already loaded. She was there for some time before eventually her dream came true and she managed to get a ride.

The area in this picture is one of my favorites in Manhattan. It's 72nd street and I remember the very first time I saw it I fell instantly in love. Don't ask me why, because I don't have an answer. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Friday, October 7, 2011

Guardian Angel

Midtown Manhattan, New York City

"Every time you hear a bell ring, it means that some angel's just got his wings." Francis Goodrich
This is the second picture of Angels around New York City. The first one is the one at the Bethesda Terrace. I can't really recall where I saw the Angel in this picture but I am sure it was somewhere in Midtown Manhattan.

This particular Angel I found to be more mesmerizing than the one at the Bethesda Terrace. I don't exactly know why but maybe it's all the details in the statue itself. The light hitting the wings from a certain direction make them seem alive and real. The texture from the stone behind the statue and the texture in the statue itself create a great contrast which make the Angel look more vivid.

Note to visitors and New Yorkers alike...when you are walking always make sure you look up.  If I hadn't looked up when I shot this picture I would have missed this Angel and would have never known that it existed. In New York City you need eyes like a hawk in order to never miss anything!

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Diversity, Srength, Love

Bus Station in New York City

Bus station on the Upper West Side in New York City
"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." Thomas Carlyle
I shot this picture a few months ago and I have to admit I was blown away with the message on the side of this bus shelter. I have never seen a message this powerful and after reading it once I instantly memorized it.

We all know that New York City is the multicultural center of the world. There are people from every corner of the world living in New York City and this was the most appropriate message to give all of us.

The message goes like this:

"Our DIVERSITY is our greatest STRENGTH. When any New Yorker is attacked for who they are, what they believe or whom they LOVE it is a crime against all of us. Keep our city strong"

Now I am not here to post about self-righteous political topics but we all know that the world (not just New York City) could do with some more love.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Walk With Me

Central Park, New York City

Couple walking with their dog in Central Park, New York City
"A garden must combine the poetic and he mysterious with a feeling of serenity and joy." Luis Barragan
Once again I am posting a picture of Central Park in New York City as I am a firm believer that one can never have enough pictures of this majestic place.

Here we can see a couple walking their dog in an almost empty area. Now every New Yorker knows that this is very rare unless you are walking very early in the morning. When Central Park is deserted it feels so serene and peaceful and in my opinion looks more beautiful than when it's busy with crazy tourists asking for directions or commuters going in a hurry from the East to the West side or vice versa to work. 

This particular area in the picture is an area popular with skaters in the evening. It is situated right opposite the Bethesda Terrace and I always thought it was Central Park central. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Empire

Empire State Building, New York City

Empire State Building in New York City
"Empire and Liberty" Marcus Tullius Cicero
Probably one of the grandest sights in all of New York City. It's simply a landmark that can't be missed. Tourists and New Yorkers alike, look at this gigantic piece of architecture with admiration. It brings with it a lot of history. 

Besides being fascinated with the architecture itself, I was always fascinated with the old pictures of the guys working on the building. The guys that are a couple of stories high acting like it's not dangerous at all. Some are lying on a beam sleeping or eating lunch. I know for a fact that I will never have the guts these brave people who built the Empire State Building in New York City had.

This picture is shot from the ever popular area that's close to Macy's. 34th Street is bustling with energy and I always thought it was actually busier than Times Square. It's an area that I will always keep close to my heart. You can feel chaos yet you can see the organization. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Monday, October 3, 2011

Poetic Dreamer

"But the delights of solitude don't only consist of dreaming. Next in enjoyment, I think, comes planning." Anna Neagle
Is he lonely? Does he have any friends? Maybe his parents were at work and he needed something to eat? These are all questions that I was asking myself when I sat across this boy at the BK Bar close to Times Square. The entire time he was looking out the window as if he was thinking hard, or maybe dreaming. From what I could see he was very well dressed and very well-mannered but I couldn't help the fact that he was very deep, much deeper than children his age.

By the time it was time to leave he was still sitting there looking out the window and I kept thinking about him for the rest of the day. It's not rare in New York City to see a child like him wandering the streets by him/herself but as I said before, it was the fact that this boy was deep that brought him up to my attention. 

The way he was dressed and looking made him the perfect subject for a picture. In the dark surroundings his eyes popped more and they are the main focus in the picture (you need to enlarge to see.) In my opinion the picture is almost poetic. He was enclosed in glass in an empty restaurant while the world outside was bursting with energy.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Sunday, October 2, 2011

This is My Church

St.Lawrence Church, Vittoriosa, Malta

St.Lawrence Church in Vittoriosa Malta

"But I have been in some very beautiful churches, then I've looked outside and seen people starving to death." Don Van Vliet
A few days ago I posted the dome of the St.Lawrence church and the St.Lawrence statue at the Victory Square. Today I am posting an exterior view of Vittoriosa's St.Lawrence church itself. As I noted in my previous post this church is the oldest church in Malta. 

Right in front of the church (not visible in this picture, but keep an eye out for future posts) there is the Freedom Monument which was erected on the 31st of March 1979 when Malta was freed from the British Colony. Right in front of the monument one can see a beautiful and modern marina. So looking at all this it's like one is looking at a time-line, with the church of St.Lawrence being the oldest and the marina being the newest.

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Angel of Waters

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, New York City

Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, New York City
"Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love." Fanny J. Crosby
Today I am posting another picture from the Bethesda Terrace series. This is a picture of the world famous fountain that has appeared in several movies and is considered as a landmark in New York City. The Bethesda Fountain is also the main focal point in the Bethesda Terrace.

The 8 foot bronze statue is also known as the Angel of Waters and it stands above four cherubim which represent temperance, purity, health and peace. Looking at the fountain alone you can sense these four things at once, even if it's surrounded by chaotic tourists all rushing to get the perfect picture. 

This photograph was captured on my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app. Some minor editing was done in PS CS4. Settings for Hipstamatic were BlacKeys B&W/Lucifer IV